"According to the IEC, there's several standardization organizations involved in the standards surrounding the nanotechnologies involved in the Biodigital Convergence Human Augmentation Technologies. These standardization organizations include IEC, IEEE, ISO, ITU, ASTM, CSA and ANSI."

These are all organizations set up by Franco Vitaliano to "standardize" DEPLOYMENT and IMPLEMENTATION of his Clathrin/Graphene based nanotechnology. https://shawnpaulmelville.substack.com/p/ieee-nanotechnology-council-ntc-promotes. These are marketing and public relations firms. Their whitepapers and presentations use ambiguous terms and leave out vital science.

DEVELOPMENT was already complete and these rollouts were established under the Obama Brain Initiative place Vitaliano in charge of everything under two departments, PITAC and IARPA. IARPA is most concerning, since it is an "NSA/CIA style DARPA", under Vitaliano's CIVILIAN CONTROL. It was also determined that deployment would be organized through Vitaliano's ExQor Technologies. The technology pipeline would be coordinated through his company MetaQor to all military, corporate or other stakeholders utilizing tech. https://shawnpaulmelville.substack.com/p/vitaliano-clathrin-gqd-neural-interface

Franco's wife Gordana Vitaliano, who not only developed the Clathrin GQD technology, runs the Brain department at Harvard, she also sits on the NIH board responsible for granting funding to people working in this neuro-nanotechnogy field... the caveat being, to get the money you must utilize Clathrin GQD tech. https://shawnpaulmelville.substack.com/p/franco-and-gordana-vitaliano-nwos

It is increasingly difficult for me to take any researcher seriously who does not dig into these centralized figures who have been lead, even until this day, by Franco Vitagliano aka Francis Vale aka Francis Vitagliano. https://shawnpaulmelville.substack.com/p/many-faces-of-franco-vitaliano

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Good to know James is one of the few who recognize that CV-19 is a fabrication without denying the existence of viruses altogether. Viruses are actually being used as a tool for IoBNT, genetic engineering, drug delivery, etc. Those denying the existence of all virus keep people uninformed about these realities. For example, in the parvovirus family, there is a virus called the adeno-associated virus capable of passing through the blood-brain barrier. Optogenetic gene therapy, programming brain neurons to be sensitive to specific wavelengths of light, can be accomplished using AAV viral vectors injected intravenously. (1) This means a brain-computer interface can be established using a "vaccine", and with the development of LiFi and optoelectronic technology, this is particularly relevant. The possibilities for genetic programming are virtually endless. For example, I recently discovered articles discussing how AAV viral vectors can be used to either increase or decrease the production of amyloid beta proteins in the brain (2). Ideally, it would be used to prevent the onset of brain disorders by decreasing production, but we should be concerned that there may be an agenda to increase the production of amyloid beta proteins. It has been discovered to be present in many who have taken the jab (3). It should be noted that amyloid beta proteins have fluorescent properties and can self-assemble into optoelectronic technology within the body and brain (4). This means that the natural proteins inside our body can be deliberately caused to misfold (turned into junk) and the materials can then be repurposed into what is essentially computer chips capable of emitting the light frequencies necessary to control our reprogrammed cells/neurons. All of this can be accomplished using "vaccines".

(1) No Implants Needed For Precise Control Deep Into The Brain


(1) Delivering Genes Across the Blood-Brain Barrier


(1) Cre-dependent selection yields AAV variants for widespread gene transfer to the adult brain



(2) Intra- and extracellular β-amyloid overexpression via adeno-associated virus-mediated gene transfer impairs memory and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus


(2) https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=aav+amyloid+beta

(3) Amyloid β-related angiitis of the central nervous system occurring after COVID-19 vaccination: A case report


(3) A case of cerebral amyloid angiopathy related inflammation after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2


(4) Self-assembling peptide semiconductors


(4) Conformable self-assembling amyloid protein coatings with genetically programmable functionality


(4) Fluorescence Phenomena in Amyloid and Amyloidogenic Bionanostructures


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