Shawn Paul Melville is the manager and face of Civilian Intelligence Network (C.I.N). He’s the author and publisher of “Shawn Paul Melville’s Substack,” and has assimilated a unique C19 (Great Reset) narrative thesis/dissertation unlike any other that has been brought to my knowledge. He’s an independent researcher, and has linked nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and the cognitive sciences, into an intelligent narrative of how the transhumanist’s are hacking human beings through their clathrin nanobot (Trojan Horse) neural interface.
Shawn’s Substack is a prelude to his upcoming book: “Graphene Quantum Dot Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda.”
Part # 2 of our discussion focused mainly on four of Shawn’s newly published Substack articles. These articles discuss how “Eyes are the primary conduit for transferring information between your Neurons and the Quantum Cloud,” “Bacteriorhodopsin: The Operating System of the Living Matrix,” “The Living Matrix: Hunger Games 2030,” and “The AI Tribes of the Living MATRIX.”
“We as engineers will coach the process. We’ll be the invisible hand of natural selection, winnowing out the losers and putting the winners through increasingly tougher trials. Our biggest challenge won’t be to create solutions (those will be generated randomly, the way species’ adaptations are), but rather to describe the task we want done and then set up the evolutionary criteria—the environment that challenges the evolving forms to do their best. This is a whole new way for engineers to think.”… “Swarms of variation trials would be running simultaneously with various teams of processors being played off against each other to see which one solves a problem most effectively. Each trial will yield star performers, who, like prize pigs, will be bred again for the next trial. We’ll encourage a mutation here and there, and then let them compete against their peers. Eventually, after a surprisingly small number of trials (thanks to the cumulative improvement power of variation and selection), we’ll have our custom-designed team.”
“While we knew the eyes are the conduit of transmitting data 1 in the Clathrin GQD neural interface system, we have not been able to explain the mechanisms until now. We have established that SARS-COV-2 is the mRNA malware contained within the Clathrin shuttle, think thumb drive; the delivery system of the neural interface reboot software programming. 2 Graphene Oxide is the electrical conduit system which connects electrically to the CPU (i.e. brain and nerves). Graphene Oxide also acts as the neural interface which upon activation by 5G EMF’s can interphase with the low ELFs required for the manipulation of brain itself; it is the router. 3 The Brain and its neurons are the hardware and controls executive functions such as cognition, memory, knowledge. The EMF’s are the power up switch. 4 Upon reboot, Luciferase is the continual power source. Luciferase operates in THz/IR/visual light spectrum and will continue to power the router and transmit data without external energy. If 5G goes down, you’ll still be powered up. 5 Luciferase operates in the THz/Infrared/visual light spectrum and will continue to power the router and transmit data without external energy.
However, if we truly want to compare this biological system to a functional computer, we need to find the Operating System. Computers operate by using millions of electronic switches (transistors), each of which is either on or off (similar to a light switch, but much smaller). The state of the switch (either on or off) can represent binary information, such as yes or no, true or false, 1 or 0....The binary number system is the base of all computing systems and operations. It enables devices to store, access and manipulate all types of information directed to and from the CPU or memory. 6
Bacteriorhodopsin, or Bacterial Rhodopsin, is a Binary "Operating System" much like your cell phone, computers, telephone.... and your wifi and router which also carry binary code! In fact, Elon Musk's LEO Starlink Satellites also deliver wifi... binary code! With this nanotechnology your genes, which also carry on/off switches can be activated!”
“In hindsight you really need to give Franco Vitaliano, the designers of the internet, Los Alamos Lab, NASA and the “super brains” of the global elite credit for designing the ultimate game of “Natural Selection” where you and your genes are being challenged to survive their “Revelations.” 5 The fact that they were able to orchestrate this plan in complete secrecy without alerting the general public was pure genius! Everything was presented to us on social media, in movies, song videos… it was all in-your-face!
The internet TCP/IP protocols helped them to establish and embed their GQD in your life 6; everything you did, wrote, spoke, watched, communicated was being monitored by their parallel Supercomputer while you were being studied under their microscope. Eventually they were able to elucidate the ultimate control over humanity; “The GQD Particle” 7 that would interphase directly with your brain and allow for every thought or action to be monitored and controlled remotely by their Quantum Computers. 8 9 10”
Recommended Reading: Biomimicry by Janine Benyus
Researchers at Harvard’s Wyss Institute Develop DNA Nanorobot to Trigger Targeted Therapeutic Responses — February 2012
A Logical Breakthrough in Medicine: The Nano-Robots of Dr. Ido Bachelet — July 2014
Shawn Paul Melville’s C.I.N. website and media links listed below:
Shawn Paul Melville has assimilated a well researched dissertation of the C19 Great Reset unlike any other that has been brought to my knowledge. His research demonstrates how nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and the cognitive sciences are being used for transhumanism.
Shawn Paul Melville’s Book can be found on Amazon:
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine
Tom Dienes social media links listed below:
Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 13 - New King James Version
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