Special Report on NATO Scientist / Biochemist Research on 5G, Reduced Graphene Oxide, and the Molecular Biosynthetic Electronic Bioweapon! (Ep#23)

Modified Clathrin Protein for G.O. Uptake & Endocytosis - Modified Bacterial Luciferase to Sustain & Power the Intracellular Graphene Quantum Dots - Bacteriorhodopsin as the O.S. and Molecular Switch!

Special Report on Dr. Caterina Rotatore (Spec. Hon. BSc., PhD, OCT) Warnings and Research on 5G and it’s Relationship to Reduced Graphene Oxide!

“I hold a PhD in Biochemistry with specialization in Physiology. I received a Post-Doctoral Fellowship from NATO / Research Council of Canada and nominee for the Anette P. Nelson Award by the Royal Society of Canada. I am also a certified Health Sciences Teacher and developed the Healthcare Curriculum for the Ministry Of Education and the Personal Support Worker Curriculum for the Ministry Of Education. I was a research associate at several universities and taught Science and Medical Biosciences for several University and College Nursing Programs. I am currently retired.”



Shawn Paul Mellville Interviews Dr. Catarina Rotatore Regarding the Molecular Biosynthetic Electronic Bioweapon. I used Otter AI to generate a transcript of the most comprehensive and concise summary of C.I.N’s thesis on the Cogno-Nano-Info-Bio molecular electronic bioweapon. (Gross error A.I. translation edits were made by Tom Dienes in accordance with the audio file. Not edited to be grammatically correct)

Shawn Paul Melville is the manager and face of Civilian Intelligence Network (C.I.N). He’s the author and publisher of “Shawn Paul Melville’s Substack,” and has assimilated a unique C19 (Great Reset) narrative thesis/dissertation unlike any other that has been brought to my knowledge. He’s an independent researcher, and has linked nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and the cognitive sciences, into an intelligent narrative of how the transhumanist’s are hacking human beings through their clathrin nanobot (Trojan Horse) neural interface.

Shawn’s Substack is a prelude to his upcoming book: “Graphene Quantum Dot Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda.”

Shawn Paul Melville’s Substack
VIDEO: April 8 Solar Eclipse & Ascension of the Molecular Biological Machines
This segment is from the “Ascension of the Molecular Biological Machines”, aka the “Rise of the Graphene Zombies” about the Bacteriorhodopsin Operating System which electrically excites the “GQD Particle” that is used to transform humans into Biological Computers or Androids capable of remotely processing at exponentially higher speeds than that of mode…
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Shawn Paul Melville -- 0:16

Good evening it's March 18 2024, eight o'clock pm Newfoundland time. We're here tonight to discuss the April 8 Solar Eclipse. We've posted three articles so far on the subject on the website the last few days and these articles have been consistently in the top two and three of our top 10 lists for the last few days. So we thought we would do our first civilian intelligence network special presentation and we have our in house biochemist here to elaborate on this fascinating subject.

Dr. Catarina Rotatore -- 0:59

Hello, Shawn. Yeah, thanks for asking me to come on board tonight. Wow. The science behind this, what we call molecular electronic device that was developed by the Vitaliano group is very complex. I’m going to try and simplify it for the listeners. And I think it's important that we could start with that we start with what is called the graphene quantum dot particle or what we call their god Particle right. In the patents that were developed by the Vitaliano group, basically, they were using a protein called clathrin to take up graphene oxide into cells and once these graphene oxide particles were accumulated inside cells, they formed what are called graphene quantum dot particles, the QQD particle or the God particle, and these God particles are able to transmit messages along the quantum field and receive messages along the quantum field. And they're highly electrical. As soon as you accumulate them inside a cell, they are electrical, they are fluorescent, but they're actually short lived. So what the Vitaliano group did is they introduced luciferase genes in the in the, in the nanotechnology or the bio weapons now you've got clathrin was introduced, it was a modified clathrin because clathrin exists inside the body exists a lot of animals and plant cells as well, too. It's a way that the actual cells feed, they take food into the cell and then they excrete the waste product. So clathrin is important function inside, all human cells and it's found again in plant and in animal cells is found in fungal cells. bacterial cells habit, so there's different. There's clathrin is ubiquitous, it's everywhere. But the one that they designed is specific for the uptake of graphene oxide. So the clathrin that's in the technology is a modified clathrin it's a protein. So for them to introduce it into the body, they have to basically isolate the genes from it, okay. And the genes themselves once they're inside the cell, they can direct the cells machinery to produce this other form of modified clathrin. That's what they did. The other thing that they did because this clathrin is now sucking in graphene oxide into the cell, okay, they want to be informing these graphene quantum dot particles, they want to be able to maintain the fluorescence. Again, these particles are very much short lived. They're used in medical research, they're used in drug delivery. They're used in the medical field, and they're fluorescence is short lived, so the body can excrete them and the body can efficiently excrete them. Okay? The research is limited but they can in the body can excrete them. But the problem with these graphing quantum dots in order for them to be electrical and being able to transmit messages, they then equipped their bio weapon with genes from a bacterial cell called luciferase. So luciferase, what does it do? If it's exposed to blue green light, it fluorescence and this fluorescence or light keeps these graphene quantum dots active. So now we've got clathrin being introduced into the bioweapon we've got luciferase being introduced into the bioweapon, and we have one other molecule that was introduced into the bioweapon and that was bacteriorhodopsin. Bacteriorhodopsin is a bacteria. It's actually photosynthetic that lives in swamp areas. And it consists and has this purple pigment called bacteriorhodopsin pigment very similar to the rhodopsin pigment inside the eye. But it it has seven units within that particular protein. And this bacteriorhodopsin pigment is very unique. It's very unique, because scientists realized back in the 90s these are scientists that were doing a lot of research for NASA. Up at the space station or Columbia the space rocket, they realize that bacteriorhodopsin could be programmable, it actually had more RAM memory, then your ordinary computer so all these studies were done by what Michael Conrad was one of them Felix Hong was another one, but it was done amongst the group, the Department of Defense, and the funding for it was was basically spearheaded by Franco Vitaliano and all of these people that were working on all of these sub units within this bio weapon. If you look at Franco's company, VXM technologies, they're all part of the scientific advisory board on that particular company. Okay, so he basically accumulated the best of the best in his company. The bacteriorhodopsin work was done. The luciferase work was done. The graphene quantum dot work was done all the top. The cream of the crop scientists were part of the VXM technologies which later became ExQor core technologies which develop the clathrin nano technology. So when we talk about clathrin nano technology, we're referring to clathrin protein being modified for the bio weapon we're referring to luciferase being modified by the bio weapon we're referring to bacteriorhodopsin. Where bacteriorhodopsin being used as the operating system for the bio weapon. And of course, what are they accumulating? They're accumulating graphene quantum dots that are electrical. And so that's just a summary of the actual bio weapon itself. And there's a lot of people out there that are arguing Hey, you know what, the mRNA virus didn't exist. Well, you don't want you should even be calling it a virus because its genetic. bioweapon. Its genetic therapy. Okay. It's not even viral. Well, I shouldn't say that because there are HIV inserts in there as well. And there's MERS, the MERS Middle Eastern respiratory viruses in there as well too. Okay, so you do have viral inserts as well, but you have bacterial inserts in it, because the luciferase is not Firefly luciferase. It's it comes from a bacteria called Vibrio Harvey. Right and then you've got bacteriorhodopsin, which is also bacteria. And then of course you've got the HIV inserts which are viral. And you've got the MERS inserts which are viral and these are these are just some of the constituents that we know of that exist within the mRNA vaccine that was given to people because we know the patents exist and we found all the patents and everything.

Dr. Catarina Rotatore -- 8:14

Everything goes to one particular group and that's Franco's Vitaliano’s group at VXM technologies or ExQor technologies. Everything went there. Okay. And then if you look any if you look at this particular group and who they work for, okay, Franco Vitaliano, basically spearheaded Obama's BRAIN Initiative. And that's really important as well, but before I go there, I just want to talk about why this work was done. So you see, NASA scientists realize that in order to be able to control a human, okay, the only way that you could do that, okay is by growing what is called a molecular electronic device within the human eye. I know, crazy! I mean, this is science. That should never have happened. Not only is it unethical, it is just inhumane. That's the main word for it. But the scientists, working with NASA, we're not just ordinary scientists. Most of them were probably Nazi scientists. But that's another story for another day. But these scientists got together and realized we can actually grow a molecular electronic device inside a human. We could grow a cell phone inside a human. Let's figure out how to do this because they didn't use wires and circuitry. No, they used biological components produced by the human body itself. And this is where biochemistry falls into the picture. So you don't need wires. You don't need metal boards you don't need I mean, they're talking about nanobots out there. Okay, well, the only nano bot really, or maybe the graphene quantum dots, but that's not even a nanobot Okay, okay. How do you how do you how did they do this? They took molecules that occurred naturally in nature that were had specific qualities, like bacteriorhodopsin can change to different colors depending on light that was introduced to it. So now you have a pigment out there in nature that allows the bacteria or the swamp algae to change color depending on the amount of light it's exposed to. And they say, Wow, if we could if we could insert this inside the body, okay, we have an instrument to generate light inside the body. How crazy and insane is that? Then they figured out how are we going to feed this into the body? So let's modify clathrin because we know clathrin exists in the body. Let's just modify it. Then they said well, how are we going to modify it? So it takes up the graphene oxide and converts it into graphene quantum dots. Then they said to themselves, well, we know graphene quantum dots is fluorescent. How are we going to maintain the fluorescence of these graphing quantum dots? Hey, let's use luciferase. But they didn't use Firefly luciferase. They use bacterial luciferase and they use the genes. That's the problem. They use the genes from these molecules from these bacteria that are foreign, the body cannot accept them. So what did they do? They had to grow them in HEK 293 cell lines.

Dr. Catarina Rotatore -- 11:39

HEK 293 cell lines. And they grew them in the cell lines. And this is how this is how genetic modifications genetic therapy is done. You have to grow them in human cell lines. These cell lines come from aborted fetuses. They're the kidney cells of aborted fetuses. And the reason they use them is to make these genes that are foreign to the body because the body would not accept these in any type of gene therapy. The body would reject them. They grow them in the cell lines so they could insert them into the actual human and the human wouldn't reject them. That that's what they did. The COVID-19 vaccine was a bioweapon. It was genetic therapy. That's what it was. Okay, so the mRNA that was inside the actual vaccine is a compilation of different types of different types of genetic information that gives rise to different kinds of proteins. You have mRNA was just genetic information. And then you've got proteins, what proteins are we talking about here? Well, the bacteriorhodopsin protein, the luciferase protein, the modified clathrin protein, you need genetic information to grow these things. And that's what they and that's what they did. Now, why did they use bacteriorhodopsin? Because I just want to concentrate on bacteriorhodopsin right now bacteriorhodopsin acts as a molecular switch. It can turn things on and off and that's how it acts in nature, depending on the kind of light but it's exposed to bacteriorhodopsin can turn one color or another color. So and they said well, we could use this as a molecular switch. And they needed this because binary code works as a molecular switch. And so they said well, okay, this will work in our molecular electronic device. And the cell phone that we're trying to grow inside the body. This bacteriorhodopsin will work perfectly, it acts as a switch. That means we can control the binary codes, zeros and the ones and we can actually program this remotely which the science there's hundreds of articles out there. That shows the bacteriorhodopsin can be controlled remotely. That's how crazy this science is. Okay, so they did this. Okay, so now we've got this bacteriorhodopsin pigment that is activated by different kinds of lights. You can make it do certain things, you can make it charge up certain pathways charge of other pathways, just by varying the amount of light that's coming into the system. Now, the second thing that they did is they had to be able to map the entire brain neuron by neuron to see exactly what each neuronal function did. Which parts of the brain control, control your emotions, what part of the brain controls your movement, where part of the brain controls anxiety levels, what part of the brain controls anger, fear and so forth. So this is where the Obama brain initiative came in, and Franco Vitaliano headed up that initiative they basically divided the brain into all the different sections, and hundreds and hundreds of labs across the world basically mapped up the brain. And nobody actually even knew about the BRAIN Initiative. That's the funny part like scientists, okay, they're doing a brain initiative that mapping up the brain – big deal. Do you know if you thought the Human Genome Project was impressive, that the Obama BRAIN Initiative Project was even more impressive because they were able to determine every single area of the brain, their function and the frequencies that were required to stimulate those specific areas? The frequencies they have right down to the frequencies, so they can basically control any kind of emotion, any kind of feeling any kind of sensory input, any kind of motor output that the brain can do. And how do they do this? They do this by using the bacteriorhodopsin operating system, bacteriorhodopsin  operating system is activated by light. So light coming in any light coming in. Okay can basically trigger the graphene quantum dot particle and so certain nerve neuronal pathways are stimulated, okay, so we can turn certain pathways on and they can turn other pathways off. So it basically is the control. It's the operating system that controls your CPU, your brain. And that's the most important part of the what we call the molecular electronic device.

Shawn Paul Melville -- Brilliant, brilliant, really…

Transcribed by


(Gross error A.I. translation edits were made by Tom Dienes in accordance with the audio file. Not edited to be grammatically correct.)


Solar Eclipse Totality Photographed April 8th 2024 by my friend Joel Demerchant in Florenceville-Bristol, Carleton County, New Brunswick with a Google Pixel 7 smart phone.


Researchers at Harvard’s Wyss Institute Develop DNA Nanorobot to Trigger Targeted Therapeutic Responses

https://wyss.harvard.edu/news/researchers-at-harvards-wyss-institute-develop-dna-nanorobot-to-trigger-targeted-therapeutic-responses/ — February 2012

A Logical Breakthrough in Medicine: The Nano-Robots of Dr. Ido Bachelet

https://nano.biu.ac.il/node/3700 — July 2014

Shawn Paul Melville’s C.I.N. website, email, and Substack listed below:



Shawn Paul Mellville’s Book can be found on Amazon:


Contact for Dr. Caterina Rotatore Spec. Hon. BSc., PhD, OCT.


Internet Archive: Wayback Machine


Tom Dienes social media links listed below:





Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 13 - New King James Version


Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 13 - New King James Version